It’s time for another installment of Romance Writers Weekly! Collette Cameron would like to know – What quirky habits (superstitions, must haves, etc.) do you have while writing? Collette is part of a wonderful new anthology called Captivated By His Kiss. Seven great tales for only 99 cents! Grab yours.

You probably just arrived here via the lovely and talented Eden Ashe. Did she have any unusual habits while writing? If you missed her entry, pop back over there. By the way, check out The Dragon’s Heart, book one in her Dragon Lore series. It is awesomesauce!

I’m going to be really boring now. Sorry. I don’t have any really juicy quirks or habits when it comes to my writing.

I know.

I’m disappointed as well.

Capote makes it look so inviting, but I would be asleep.

I wish I could say that I wrote “supine, with a glass of sherry in one hand and a pencil in another” a la Truman Capote. Or in a parked car, emulating the environment that Vladimir Nabokov preferred. “A bubble of stillness ideal for writing.” Not in downtown Philadelphia, comrade.

Nope, I’m boring. I only need two things to write: my laptop and some music. And a comfy place to sit.

Okay, three things: my laptop, some music and a comfy place to sit. And water or tea.

Four things, then: my laptop, some music, a comfy place to sit, and water or tea.

Writing on the beach in Punta Cana

I’ve also been known to write voluminously on the beach during vacation, which is done the old-fashioned way with pen and paper. No laptops on the sand, I’m not that wealthy brave.

Normally, I would find other voices distracting – you won’t catch me working in a cafe or public library anytime soon – but the white noise of a crowded beach has never bothered me. And I’ll still have my music piping through my headphones. The water or tea also becomes a mojito. *cough* Or three. What? I’m on vacation!

So, in conclusion, my needs include: my laptop (or pen and paper), a comfy place to sit (or the beach), music, and water or tea (or a pitcher of mojitos. Stop judging me.) Boring, boring, boring. *yawn*

I’ll try to develop some weird toe-writing habit between now and the next time this topic comes up. I promise. Now I have the pleasure of introducing our newest RWW member, Tracy Gee. In addition to her writing, Tracy also runs If you’re looking for your next great read, be sure to swing by her site. She delivers the best news and reviews about new releases. Welcome to the party, Tracy! Now tells us all of your dirty little secrets odd writing habits.

See you next week!