Breewatch is over! – Monday Morning Sassenach

Ladies and gents, the long wait is over. Last week, Tall Ship Productions announced the casting of Sophie Skelton as Brianna Fraser. As soon as the news broke, I tweeted Ms. Skelton, welcoming her to the Outlander family. Because we are one, big, global family,...

Dragonfly In Amber – Monday Morning Sassenach

Whelp. As we inch – and I do mean inch – closer to the start of season two, there’s been a lot of talk about reading (or re-reading) Dragonfly In Amber. If you’re not familiar with the books, DIA is number two in the series. Ron D. Moore &...

Vive La France! Monday Morning Sassenach

I know it isn’t Monday morning, but I’ve been reeling from the news about David Bowie’s passing. [I hope you find life on Mars, sir.] Despite the fandom’s disappointment that Outlander didn’t win any Golden Globes this year, we still have...

We Have Our Roger, So Where’s Our Bree?

Lairds and Ladies, we have our Roger Mac. Unless you’ve been living under a Christmas tree this past month, you already knew that. But just in case, here he is: Richard Rankin. Super effin dreamy, ain’t he? Aye! And he looks good in a kilt! (Not that...

Let’s talk book boyfriends! – Romance Weekly

Welcome to another round of Romance Writers Weekly! Each week we give you a behind-the-scenes look at our processes, our obsessions and our inspirations. This week, Sarah Hegger asked us all about our book boyfriends (or girlfriends) and we’re only allowed to...