Exciting news: Awards, releases and a Kobo sale too!

Hello my lovelies! I received some really exciting news yesterday. The Calum was named Best New Adult Romance in the 4th Annual Swirl Awards! The Swirl Awards were created to recognize and celebrate multicultural romance. As you know, diversity in romance (and in...

Yellow, from the Falling Stars soundtrack

So, I’m trying something a little different. Yellow, originally performed by Coldplay, was a song featured in the Starstruck web serial. I shared a demo of the track on a whim, and got wonderful feedback. So I thought to myself, why not release it in advance of...

Make it or break it.

Hello my lovelies! Whelp…this is it, decision time. This week, as I attend the 35th annual conference for Romance Writers of America (my third), I hope to answer a question that has been nagging me for about a year. What kind of writer do I want to be? Indie?...

My writing universe – Romance Writers Weekly

Hey folks! Welcome to another installment of Romance Writers Weekly, where we give you a behind-the-scenes look at our lives as romance writers. It’s been a while since I jumped in on a topic. I was on vacation, dontcha know. But I am back! This week, birthday...

A musical Valentine from Xio!

Happy Valentine’s Day, my lovelies! Two years ago, as I accidentally wrote my very first romance (long story), a friend and I recorded one of my favourite songs for another project. As I sat listening to it, a one-off chapter for the book – which was a web...