writeordie1aFrustration has a flavour. Right now, it tastes of stale coffee.

Some things are  easier said than written. Since I made the decision to revise the Falling Stars trilogy, beginning with book one, Starstruck, it’s been more about labour than love. My two protagonists, Sam and Val, keep throwing wrenches into the works and sending my chapters off into a tailspin.

Dagnabbit, these two kids just don’t want to cooperate! I keep trying to tell them that their story is far from over and that I will revisit them in the future, but nooooooo. They’re pouting.

Regardless, Starstruck will conclude very soon and I have decidedly mixed emotions about it. I’m excited to introduce you, dear reader, to new characters and stories. On the other hand, I miss Sam and Val already and have already jotted down some ideas for shorts or novellas featuring them. I also promised you that they would remain a part of the Falling Stars universe, and they will.

All of this to say that I had chapter 43 well underway before I decided that it just wasn’t working. Sometimes knowing the destination doesn’t make the journey any easier to navigate. Fear not, I will get there and you will find out what happens after the latest bombshell. There are 4, possibly 5, chapters remaining. And it’s going to be one hell of a ride!

Okay enough bellyaching, Xio. Back to the grind.