Free Virtual Reading this Friday!

Hello, my lovelies! I hope you and yours are healthy and happy. Temperatures are finally heating up here in Philly, which means Summer is right around the corner. It’ll be the perfect time to sit in your window, out on your patio or balcony, or in the backyard...

Strange Days

Hello my dearest darlings… What can I say that hasn’t been said already, and by people far more eloquent than I? The world finds itself alone together. This is something I’ve never experienced in my lifetime. But reading stories about how we’ve...

It’s My Birthday Party x 2!

Hello my lovelies! It’s a very special day for me. Frankie and Johnny: Let the Music Play is out in the world.Not only is it their book birthday, it’s also MY birthday. Yay! As my gift to you, here is an excerpt! “It’s not much,” I say as we step into my...

A Valentine Surprise!

Happy Valentine’s Day, my lovelies! I hope you’re surrounded by the people you love, eating delicious food, warm and happy. I have a surprise for you! Check out the cover for Frankie and Johnny: Let the Music Play! In When Frankie Meets Johnny, the pair...