FoX Friday with Kim Golden + a giveaway!

Happy Friday, my lovelies! We’re closing in on the winter holidays, and I can think of no better present than a new release from my good friend Kim Golden. If you’ve been with me since the beginning (way back in 2013), you know what a soppy fangirl I am of...

FoX Friday with Libby Doyle + a giveaway!

Happy November, my lovelies! We have another debut author with us this week. My friend Libby Doyle is here with The Pain Season, book two of her debut Covalent series. Libby writes sexy, action-packed urban fantasy that keeps you on the edge of your seat. Her latest...

FoX Friday with Roan Parrish + a giveaway!

Hey, my lovelies! You know when you come across a new (to you) author and devour everything they’ve written, only to be bitterly disappointed that there isn’t more to read? I’ve discovered a few of those lately, and at the top of the list is this...