FoX Friday with Rebecca Hunter + a giveaway!

Holy pumpkin pie, my lovelies! Can you believe it’s already November? Time to head to the store and grab all that leftover Halloween candy. Am I right? (Is it just me?) This week, I welcome the delightful Rebecca Hunter to FoX Friday. I’ve known Rebecca...

FoX Friday with Kat Mizera plus a giveaway!

Boo! Did I scare you? 😉 It’s nearly Halloween, my favourite holiday. The air is crisp, the leaves are crunchy, and there’s an endless supply of chocolate everywhere you turn. What’s not to love? It’s also another edition of FoX Friday and this...

FoX Friday with editor, Jessica Snyder!

Welcome to another installment of FoX Friday! This week, we’re joined by editor, Jessica Snyder. I asked Jessica some fun questions about her work, and for some tips for authors. How long have you been editing? 5 years! I started as an intern with Entangled...

FoX Friday with Stuart Reardon!

My lovelies! Do I have a special treat for you this week. Last Friday, we revealed the cover of my upcoming novel Camden, which features my lovely, new friend, Stuart Reardon. Camden is unlike anything I’ve written before, and I am so excited to bring it to you...

FoX Friday with Roan Parrish + a giveaway!

Hey, my lovelies! You know when you come across a new (to you) author and devour everything they’ve written, only to be bitterly disappointed that there isn’t more to read? I’ve discovered a few of those lately, and at the top of the list is this...